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Education Department
National University of Ireland, Maynooth


Bertoldo, J.C. (2024, June). Dying-With: An Educational Exploration of Interconnectedness. Pre-Conference Canadian Philosophy of Education Society, The Center for Learning and Performance, Concordia University, Montréal

Bertoldo, J.C. (2023, March 3-6). Thinking With Death: An Educational Proposition in the Interest of Publicness. Philosophy of Education Society, Chicago, USA. 

Bertoldo, J.C. (2022, November 14-15). Artistic pedagogies with and for the Dead (WIP). Symposium Art and Education in an Uncertain world, hosted by Carl Anders Säfström and Glen Loughran at The Center for Public Education and Pedagogy, Maynooth University, Ireland.

Bertoldo, J.C. (2022, May 23-27). Giving death back to the public: an educational propositionThe Second Doctoral Conference on Public Education and Public Pedagogy, Centre for Public Education and Pedagogy, Maynooth University, Ireland. 

Bertoldo, J.C. (2022, May 5-6). Face à l'urgence écologique: ritualiser l'apprentissage de la finitude à travers l'atelier d'art. Colloque International en Éducation, Centre de recherche interuniversitaire sur la formation et la profession enseignante, Montreal, Canada.

Affifi, R. & Bertoldo, J.C. (2022, April 19-23). Beauty, returning beauty. Geopoetics Symposium, Hollyhock, B.-C., Canada. 

Bertoldo, J.C. (2021, Septembre 13-14). Face à la perte : une éducation à la mort à travers le processus créatif. Mort et deuils en milieux scolaires. Haute École de Pédagogie de Vaud, Switzerland.

Bertoldo, J.C. (2020, July 8). Early Discussions about Death In and For Education. Online International Doctoral Research Conference in Education, Centre for Education Research (CERES), Liverpool John Moores University.

Bertoldo, J.C. (2020, May 23). Is thinking about death educationally a viable possibility? Online Postgraduate Research Conference, Trinity College Dublin.


Secretary/Historian - Philosophy of Education Society Postgraduate Student Committee (2023-2024)

Board Member; Communications Officer; Assistant Web Designer - International Network of Philosophers of Education (2022 - ongoing)

Student Mentor; Project Coordinator -  Professional Master in Education, Maynooth University (2019 - ongoing)

Postgraduate Student Representative - Education Department, Maynooth University (2019 - 2022)


Posthuman Convergences Theories and Methodologies with Professor Rosi Braidotti, Utrecht Summer School, 17– 21 August 2020.

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